Scott Flick, Rebecca Rizzo, and Aimee Ghosh of Pillsbury to speak on “You and #MeToo: Crisis Management for Media Companies Addressing Sexual Harassment Complaints”
Date(s): Mar/20/2018
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP - Washington, DC Office
1200 17th St NW
Washington, DC, 20036
Washington, DC, 20036
After being fed in its infancy by media coverage, the #MeToo movement is now consuming media companies of all sizes, with nearly daily reports of sexual harassment charges. The media industry is hardly unique in that regard, but the impact can be greater in media, where the target of a complaint may not only be a public face of the company, but one of its principal products as well. What might be a simple employment action for other businesses can be akin to shutting down a product line for a media company.
Regardless, it is guaranteed to be a high-profile, carefully scrutinized process that is part crisis management, part employment law, and part public relations. For all involved, it can be handled well…or poorly, exposing the company to liability from complainants, accused employees, and shareholders. Join us as Scott R. Flick, Rebecca C. Rizzo, and Aimee P. Ghosh of Pillsbury discuss what to do before a complaint arises, and equally important, what to do next, in this webinar for all segments of the media industry.
This event takes place between 1:00 – 2:15 pm ET on March 20, 2018. To register, click here.