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FCC Releases Revised List of Stations that are Eligible for Statutory Analog Nightlight Program

As previously reported, the Short-term Analog Flash and Emergency Readiness Act (the “Analog Nightlight Act”) required the FCC to develop a program to permit continued analog television service for 30 days after the DTV transition, thereby permitting stations to provide emergency and DTV transition information to the public in analog.

The Commission has now issued a revised list of stations that are pre-approved to participate in the analog nightlight program, as well as listing stations that have notified the Commission of their intent to participate. A total of 825 stations in 202 markets are listed, including 354 stations and 11 markets that have already completed the DTV transition. The full list of these stations is attached.

In order to finalize the list of stations that will be participating in the analog nightlight program, the FCC has established three new filing procedures:

(1) Stations that are eligible to participate but have not previously informed the FCC of their intent to do so must either file the new “Participation Notice of Pre-Approved Eligible Station (Analog Nightlight Program)” form or e-mail no later than May 26, 2009.

(2) Stations that are not listed but wish to participate in the analog nightlight program must electronically file the new “Eligibility Showing (Analog Nightlight Program)” form by May 26, 2009. In their eligibility showing, stations must demonstrate how they plan to provide analog nightlight service while avoiding harmful interference to other stations (e.g., by reducing analog power).

(3) Stations that have previously indicated that they wish to participate but which no longer wish to do so must electronically file the new “Revocation of Participation (Analog Nightlight Program)” form no later than May 26, 2009.

There will be no filing fee associated with any of these filings.
A PDF version of this article can be found at FCC Releases Revised List of Stations that are Eligible for Statutory Analog Nightlight Program.

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